About me

Hello! I'm currently a software engineer at an data science company called QuantCo.

I received a MEng from Imperial College London in 2022. In my thesis I developed a novel approach to offline reinforcement learning training that helps mitigate distributional shift. I will eventually get round to publishing the work formally but in the meantime you can find this here.

Some interests I have: In general, I like building things for people and have a strong interest in engineering impactful Machine Learning systems.

Prior to QuantCo, I spent a brief time at Meta/Facebook. I also interned at G-Research and Arm.

You can find out more about me on my GitHub or LinkedIn.

I also take an amateur interest in history and politics. A sample of books I have read somewhat recently (and in no particular order): I played some county level cricket as a teenager and enjoyed playing with the ICUCC during my time at university. I am now a casual enthusiast of running and bouldering.